Django User Group London Meeting

27th July 2010 (15 years ago)

I attended yesterday's DJUGL meeting, held at the Guardian in London. The evening consisted of three presentations with gaps for discussions and consumption of free beer and pizza. Entry was free and open to all with an interest in making Django better, though registration was strongly advised as the venue was almost full. The best way to find out more about upcoming meetings is probably through the London Django User Group Google newsgroup or the London Python Twitter stream.

The talks were quite inspiring. Nicholas Tollervey's FluidDB talk had quite an interesting concept, though the company seemed to be at an early start-up phase and I will probably wait to see how it progresses before making my apps feed data to them. Toby White's Solr talk was an insight into the techniques used by companies that have masses of data the wrangle into searchable formats. The Celery/RabbitMQ talk by Mat Clayton was the most familiar subject to me as I'd read articles on Celery before. It included some practical tips and lessons from their infrastructure experience. I can definately see how implementing a queuing system like this would be beneficial for parts of my apps that have to send emails and communicate with public web APIs.